
“Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think.”


Monday, February 11, 2013

Photos from the past week or so....

 Silas out to eat with me in Athens.

Just SOME of the props and wardrobe I pull out for the Photo parties!

 My favorite room in my house... right before climbing into this antique bed.

Iz taking at nap at Walmart. Various pics of yours truly. Good and bad ones, I might add.

The big girl wine that kicked my ass on my birthday. Okay... I have to drink it with ice - but still, I'm glad I finally found a non-wine cooler drink that makes me happy (and oh how it made me happy!!!)

Been trying to get in some late night walks.. just a mile or so, but still... it's good for all of us - especially Maddie, who has really put on some pounds lately!

Silas was learning about the Industrial Revolution in school, which led into a lesson on the locomotive, and then we discussed how his great grandfather worked on trains. This is his lantern - with his name tag. It's one of my favorite family heirlooms.