
“Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think.”


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Stopping by the family church to "visit" and remember

 This church was, from what I've been told, the church my grandma went to when she was young. The family bought it and dedicated it to the memory of their grandparents - seen above in the front row. My GGG Grandpa George Helber is in the beard and his wife, Isabelle, on the right. My GG grandma - my Grandma Whitlatch's mom - is standing second from the left in the white shirt and big bow. Her name was Laura Helber Derr but they called her Fannie.

 I played in this yard and in that creek many summers. Grandma Whitlatch liked going to the family reunions and I liked going with her. It felt good, but surreal and odd, to be back again... without Grandma. And it's been maybe 15 years since I went to a family reunion there. Seems like it's due for another one.

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