My mom's mom - Norma Jean. (Mom is Connie Jean and I'm Terri Jean.) Yep. That's how we roll here in Appalachia!
A great photo of my parents around 1981.
This photo is so sweet it's kinda sick. blah!
I am the 4 year old on the left. See.... I had super long hair and I cut it all off so my mom had them even it out - which meant a buzz cut. I went to school like this. And given that my name is Terri, everyone though I was a boy.
Usually there was major snow on my February birthday... so I didn't get a lot of friend parties. This one was my favorite.
My great great grandpa Simon Derr who was German Dutch (on my mom's moms side). This is Grandma Whitlatch's dad. Mom is first at the upper right.
Me and Lora posing for the camera. We were such hams.
My pops and my baby brother.
My favorite photo of my dad.