My birthday was February 9th and all I wanted was to have my nephew, Deakin, over for a weekend of fun. We were supposed to see Curious George at the theater and then perhaps go out to dinner and then see what we could get in to. But about an hour before we were to leave for the movies, I suddenly and without warning, engaged in a massive pukefest. I hadn't been that sick in more than a decade! But I had a 4-year old and a 3-year old dressed, shoes on, waiting to go ... and I didn't want to diappoint them. So, I called Heather - who was in town - and asked if she could help me with the kids. Of course she said yes, she's a sweetie. And it was a good thing too cause I made many vomity ventures to the bathroom... a public bathroom... and I was too sick to be sickened by the thought of having my arm resting on an area that had been covered by many asses throughout the day. After the movie (which I saw very little of) I went home and Heather was there for me. She slept on one couch, I on the other, and she had a flashlight pen ready just in case the pukefest started back up. I slept with a milk jug, cut so my head could fit into it when necessary, and woke myself up many times with what seemed to be a very loud moaning and begging for mercy (and it was coming from me). But I felt better the very next day and was well enough to take the boys bowling for the very first time. What a birthday! Hopefully next year will be much better.
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