
“Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think.”


Friday, April 7, 2006

my latest project

This is a BIG project I've been working on for more than 2 months now. It's a mosaic (hope I spelled that right) of a stereotypical American Indian image made from nearly 3000 stereotypical images I've either "stolen" from the internet (I can use them as long as the image is in an artistic piece criticizing the actual image itself), photographed myself, scanned in or had sent to me. I've been collecting the images for more than 2 years (and I collect actual steretypical pieces such as Indian toys, games, books, clothing, ads, etc) and then photographed each item. Whew! Then I put them into this program and printed out all 20 panels, glued them onto foam board, and collectively they made this image. So when you get upclose you see thousands of tiny images, but when you're back a ways, you get this. Now I'm finishing up the piece by taking out (in the program files) any and all images that didn't print well (some were blurry) and replacing them with something else. Then, I print again, mount on a foam board and it'll be used in an educational exhibit called Mama What's an Indian.

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