
“Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think.”


Friday, May 5, 2006

Me? A Professional Photographer?

Today, I went to Walmart to pick up some copies of my son's senior photos and the folks behind the counter were refusing to give them to me because they thought the pics were professionally taken and I had copied them, thus scamming the photographer and saving some bucks. It took some talkin' to, but I proved that these were my photos.... and I was told by 3 different lab folks that they were professional quality. One gal suggested I take portrait photography as a career. What a compliment! It made my day. Here are the photos they were talking about.... Personally, I think they're pretty darn good. (My favorites are the close up in the brown shirt and the one in the gray hoodie.)

Isn't Alex a doll?


Barns of Ohio said...

I like #2 a lot..# AND #3
but all the others are great, except the 2 donny bear ones.

Mimis said...

i like you blogger i think your photos are pretty.

TJ said...

Thanks so much. I appreciate that.

Connetta's Corner of the Web said...

I think the close up at the top looks like he could be the next James Bond...The boy has a distintive look.

TJ said...

He is a definite cutie pie. If you look at December and January's blogs, there's a few photos of him before he became a health nut and started running and working out. Now you can see every one one of his muscles. He looks like a piece of sculpture with his shirt off.