What fun! All our kids - cept for Shannan (pout!) - came home for the holiday! Chrissy, Amanda, and Alex slept over for Ho Ho's big night. Silas was so excited. Grandma stayed over too,
which she always does, and Silas was absolutely thrilled. Here's a few photos of the kids opening Grandma's gifts on the 24th.
Maybe next year Shannan and the kids will join our sleepover. And that would truly be the best gift ever!
Silas kept an online eye on Ho Ho ... and when he was getting close, he laid out some milk and cookies. (I LOVE that photo!)
And the Dr Pepper Santa Claus has been with me for more than 20 years. My great grandparents owned a store and it was given to them as a promotional display in the late 70's or early 80's. And I loved it, so I got it! I drag the poor fella out every year... I cherish him because he reminds me of my beloved great grandparents (Carl & Dorothy) whom I love and miss bunches.
A few photos from Lucas's 4th birthday party. I can't believe both Silas and Lucas as FOUR YEARS OLD! Where did the time go? They're almost ready for school... actually, Silas is ready. I'm not.
Happy SOL-MAS HAN-KWA!!!! No matter your reason, we wish you the very best this season! Here's hoping you have...* A magical winters SOLstice* a merry ChristMAS* a happy HANukah* and an amazing KWAnza Peace, Love, and Good Will to you all!!
The Andrews FamilyScott, Terri, Chrissy, Alex, Jake, Silas + Amanda, Shannan, Shelby, and Lucas
I really like these in-flight photos of the birds outside my living room window.
I spend a great deal of time watching and photographing them, and every now and then I capture something that thrills me. This is one of those photos. They're fighting for the gourd and I was able to capture the squabble. You like?
The squirrel is finally making friendly with the food I'm setting out for him. Isn't he a pretty fella? I watched him for the better part of my morning... sipping tea in my PJ's and slippers, eating a bit of breakfast while he ate his. I suspect that he had no idea that he was joining me for my morning meal, but that's just fine. I enjoyed his company nonetheless.