
“Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think.”


Monday, February 12, 2007

Our Winter Hike Continued.... Ash Cave

Ash Cave was fantastic! My favorite ice formation was here (with my second being the Ice Castle). The one at Ash Cave looked like a big sculpture of some funky volcano, and some of the photos actually looked like it was spouting something or other. But it's actually a two part formation. The bottom is where the water from the waterfall has been collecting and freezing, and the top is the waterfall, but it's frozen all around the water... so it looks like a big ice hose or pipe running off the cliff. But it's ALL ICE!

My only hope is that, before winter ends and it starts to thaw, it'll get so close that it'll almost touch and I can photograph it once more.

Below photos:

1. I'm not a big Star Wars fan, but there was this flat blob in one film and I know I'm not spelling this but it was something like Jaba the Hut. (My brother, Scottie, would know. He loved that series.) Anyway, that's what this one looks like. But it's actually the bottom of the ice sculpture. And it's HUGE!

2. This is the back of it. I was standing at the bottom of Ash Cave, somewhat inside it, and shooting out and up

1 comment:

Pictures & Poems... said...

Hubby sure looks serious , like it's a episode on a t.v. show.