
“Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think.”


Saturday, December 22, 2012


It snowed.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a tad bit hugely phobic about being on the road when it snows. Even just a few flakes and flurries.
Oh yes.. it sends me into a full-blown panic.

So today it was nice to have Scott home to chauffeur me around town while running errands and shopping. I was able to get everything done... that is until I remember something else. But for now I am completely ready for the next big day of company, cooking and cleaning up.

And it was the winter solstice today - one of my favorite of all days. Why? Because after today, the days will only get longer and longer. Love that! 

After shopping, I was able to come home to wrapping presents, cherry wine, and a Ghost Hunters International TV marathon. Oh yes.. it was just as wonderful as it sounds.

And now - the gifts are wrapped. The wine is gone. I ate some of the stocking candy and I'm a bit buzzed. The house is quiet. Looks like I'm gonna watch a girl movie and see if there's anything else alcoholic in the house. Keep your fingers crossed that I find something yummy. I really don't want to resort to a beer.
