
“Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think.”


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

First of all... I am totally stoked anytime I see the word "awesome" used in my upcoming horoscope... cause an awesome day is exactly what I want each and every day of my entire life.

But... eh.... I'm feeling lazy today and I'm cutting out pop again and have little caffeine  - and even less incentive to jump into or capitalize on anything. Soooo.... great horoscope! But I'll probably pass.

(Though I will make today awesome nonetheless!)

Speaking of such... here's some things that made me chuckle over my tea this morning.

Is that broccoli and a hot beverage? And a spoon? What??

 I've been to Provincetown (with my pal Freddie) and yes... it was fun. The shops were cool and there was lots to do. But I just don't know if it warrants a mileage sign all the way across the country. hmmmm...

 This one made me laugh. I don't know if it's real... but I would love to have one for my house.

 Important. Yes.. very important. I've been delayed many times by old people and their old legs trying to cross the street. Good thing there are signs like this that remind me THEY have the right of way and not me and my impatience. (I am kidding! I love old people! I will soon be one!)

 My kind of folks. Nerds with a sense of humor.

 Something my mom would tell me.

 I'm all for the journey - but this one may have a bit too much adventure in it, even for me.

 There needs to be a sign like this before you reach the Nelsonville, Ohio "business district" sign - right off the bypass. OH!! Yes I said it! SLAM!! Woot! Woot!

 I get this. Oh yes... I do.

 But.. but.. why?

 I want to know the story behind this sign.

 I knew it! It's finally happening! Shit!

 Wow. The fact that this warrants a sign is disturbing.

 I need this sign in my home - except the end will same "the nana"

 Talk about mixed signals!

 And again. What is it with these people??

 I tell this to my kids at the zoo. And now I feel vindicated when they said "No sir, mom..."

 I bet this happens more often than one would expect.

I wonder what kind of surprises! Gifts? Giraffes? Street dancers? Thumbtacks? I wanna know!