But then again, I am the kind of person that also has a 10 year, 5 year and 1 year plan plus monthly to do lists and, of course, a professional AND a personal bucket list.
Oh yes... I am that girl. (Like the character below from the movie Election. I feel like her sometimes... which is and isn't all that good.)
And the lists are so full, no mere human could ever get everything checked off.
And yet I try.
So this year I am going to simplify mine. My main goal will be to get healthy. I've already made great strides in my health this year, so I'm just gonna keep pushing on... keep getting healthier. I have a whole wardrobe packed away (that I outgrew... sigh...) and a long list of things I want to do (fun things... like - SUPER fun things) but I'd like to be healthy while doing them.
So that's my number one and tho I had to limit myself to 5 this year (I can't help myself!!!) I'm making my health and fitness my top priority. It is the foundation upon which all other resolutions and goals will sit.
So good luck to everyone else. If you wanna share yours with me, drop me an email of facebook me!
Until later, my taters..