“Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think.”
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Reconnecting with old friends makes my day each and every time
Within the past few months, several good friends reemerged in my life. People I've known for years (all since, at least, the 90s).
I've missed Lawrence! He's on the right. We met in the early 90's when he was attending Ohio University. Heather just divorced her first husband and we were out at Nick's dancing (an old dance club in Athens from way back.) Lawrence was there with his friend Noble and we hit it off immediately. Been friends ever since. Haven't seen him in person since 1999 though (something he told me last night and I didn't realize it had been that long!) We had many long talks over the phone but lost track when I moved in 2011. We plan to meet up for a long chat sometime in the spring - I hope. He's a business consultant now and travels all over the country. He may be the first one to have a busier schedule than me!
And Brendan and I met mid 90's. He's a smarty pants who built his own solar powered house that's gorgeous! I love our talks. And he makes me smile the entire time we're hanging out. I don't think he realizes just how much he entertains me with his dry sense of humor and methodical thinking.
I've already posted a photo of Eric from a wedding I did over the fall. Eric and I go the farthest back. Maybe 1989 or 1990? He was still in high school and lived down the road. He was such a sweetheart - and he totally cracked me up! Still does!
I've also found Janice, my long lost best friend from gradeschool (through junior high), my favorite teacher Mrs Hill, relatives out in Oklahoma, reconnected with my buddy Tom (kids call him Uncle Tom) whom I haven't seen in a few years... and tons of classmates.
The internet is an amazing tool. It's wonderful to find old friends and catch up... especially like Eric, Brendan and Lawrence who really are special. I've missed you boys!
Terri Jean