So I read that space exploration will open up in 2018 for people who want to go to Mars. Currently only millionaires and the like will be able to afford the 501 day trip. My hope is that by 2020 it'll be more like a weekend venture for cheap and I could pop up and take a gander. If not, I'll settle for the moon... even though the moon just doesn't seem so cool.
In other news, I survived the ice storm from last night and all is well. Power is still on and I successfully walked the dogs this morning with - 0 - incidents. This is good news considering my history with falling on anything wet, slippery, or snow covered : ie decks, steps, roads, grass, floor, etc. I have at least TWO concussions to move... err... I mean to prove it too. Damn head injury aftereffects.
And while I sit here and drink a delicious cup of tea all the while planning my Friday, here are a few passive aggressive comments for you to enjoy...