grocery shopping just about did me in. Lots to do this week (Jake's 13th all-weekend birthday party, for one) and we ran into town for groceries and to run as many errands as we possibly could. Picked up Chrissy along the way and off we went in my new-to-me little 2001 Ford Taurus (I've named her Tori). First off all, the trunk space in that car is amazing! And it's a really nice ride, so no complaints. But we had a lot of party favors to pick up so we went from store to store to store... to store. Before I knew it, we had 5 hours in and were starving. After eating out and kissing Miss Chrissy goodbye, I limped home, unpacked, and took a short nap with Silas. Now I'm awake and in the mood to write a bit. I still have a lot of work to do, but before I start writing, Maddie (my little red and white Pembroke Corgi) - who is such a mama's girl - and I are going to sit outside and look at my muse, the full moon, for a spell. For all you folks who haven't met Maddie Mae yet, here's her photo. Beautiful little redhead, isn't she?
Tell me, what is it like to be a full-time writer? It's all I've ever wanted to do since I was little, but school is uaually in the way. If it were up to me I'd sit at home and write every day, all day long. It's a fabulous passion for those who have it.
Great Blog, love your pictures & the website rocks....Keep up the great work... & don't take so long to post something new,,,we're all interested in your thoughts...
What is is like to be a full time writer? Well, to be honest, after a while it gets to be like any other job. There's deadlines and days when you just don't want to write. Working at home with children can be difficult. Imagine sitting in an office trying to write, edit, return phone calls, etc and you have all your kids running around, in need of attention and food, and spilling things as they go. Writing without deadlines or assignments is a lot of fun because there's no expectations - but you don't get paid for that.
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