Tornado's really freak me out. Seriously. When I was a little girl, I can remember my mom having us take cover in my grandpa's basement because one was coming. It didn't hit my hometown, but the hit the next town over. And a few years ago, one cut a path through the woods and field and completely ripped the roof off my cousin's house... his father gave him that house before he died... finished it with his own hands. And there is was, open and exposed. The rain washed out many fatherly memories and handprints that, I'm sure, he treasured. And now we're under a tornado watch and, I have no shame in admitting, it has me worried. I live in southern Ohio and tornado's are not uncommon. We get a few warnings a year, so we all know what to do. 1) Find the lanterns and candles. Have them handy. The power will most likely go out. 2) Call kinfolk and give them a heads up, in case they haven't heard. 3) Clean the house - cause I didn't do this once and the power went out and, well... one should have a clean house to begin with cause it sure will get dirty after a day or two... and yes, it's been out as long as a week before. 4) Fill a few water jugs with water, just in case there's a break. 5) If there's time, make sure there's chips, bread and lunch meat.... and other essentials. 6) Make a plan with the kids. What we'll do if it's coming at us, where we're going, and what to take with us. We don't have a basement, which really bugs the crap out of me, and our house is 100 years old. So we'd be in the closet or bathroom. 7) Get the generator ready. This summer we had to use it for 4 days straight because of a storm. It was a lifesaver. and 8) Make sure we all know where the cats are. Don't want to lose the little one's. Other than that, we have everything ready to go. Radio, raincoats, and the cell phone. All we can do is hope for the best and try to make light of it. Right? Wish me luck. (sigh) Cheers, TJ
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