
“Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think.”


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

My great grandparents (mom's dad's side)

 An older photo (early 80's)

This is my grandpa and grandma Hiles. He was German and she was part Native American.

Grandma Hiles used to be called the towns Indian Lady and she hated it. She absolutely hated anything that had to do with her indigenous side. Her heritage was a taboo secret that no one was allowed to discuss.. especially around her. She got VERY upset. I wasn't able to ask her anything - not only was she reluctant, but she was also an alcoholic.

She died when I was about 22 and I wanted to know WHY she would hate her Native heritage. Why we couldn't even talk about it. So rather than researching our family history - which was going to be difficult because she hid most of the paperwork - I decided to research what was going on in history and in the American society during the time of her parents and then her childhood. I learned a great deal and it was all so sad and depressing.... I can see why she turned her back on that side of her bloodline.

I still want to learn more about grandma. One day I'll hopefully find the time so I can fill in the rest of the story.

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