Court: 'Irresistible' Workers Can Be Fired
So an Iowa dentist was within his legal rights to fire a longtime employee that he felt was irresistible and a threat to his marriage (her dress and behavior were inappropriate for the workplace, said the lawyer for the dentist.) There wasn't a sexual relationship, nor was one being sought. Oh, and the dentist did admit that he told his employee " if she saw his pants
bulging, she would know her clothing was too revealing," - said the ruling.
They were apparently texting back and forth and she asked hims something sexual - which he didn't seem to mind until his wife (who worked at the office) found the texts and demanded the woman be fired. And, of course, they talked to their preacher who said that the woman needed to be fired to protect the marriage.
(That part made me laugh! Seriously! I LOL'd)
Wow! So the dentist can talk about his bulging pants and the apparent amount of control over which employee he does or doesn't have an affair with AND he has the narcissistic balls to tell her husband - and the judges all say yes. Yes she is wrong. She can be legitimately fired.
So every boss out there in Iowa who finds an employee attractive has the right to fire her on the grounds he may want to screw her.
Nice Iowa. Way to go!
So I decided to look up some more ridiculous laws still on the books in Iowa. Here's just a few:
A man with a mustache may never kiss a woman in public.
One-armed piano players must perform for free.
Kisses may last for no more than five minutes.
Men are prohibited from winking at women they do not know.
Next time you pull up on your horse at the local hotel. Make sure they’re equipped with a hitching post and water bucket.
In Des Moines, it’s illegal to dance between the hours of 2 A.M. and 6 A.M.
And...You may shoot Native Americans if there are more than five of them on your property at any one time.
So who's up for winking, mustache kissing, and dancing till midnight in Iowa?? Anyone??? I'm gonna get a job there first and be all sexified. I know how irresistible I'd get fired for sure.