
“Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think.”


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Finally! The Glenville State Bluegrass College came to Glouster!

It really was a hoot to (finally!) get to hear the Glenville State Bluegrass Band at this years Appalachian Color in the Hills Festival. 

(The following information is from a press release) The Glenville State Bluegrass Band was a natural outgrowth of the Glenville State College Bluegrass Music Certification Program, initiated in the fall of 2002. The band is made up of a core group of talented students who are enrolled in the program as well as other students who just wish to participate.

The bluegrass program is under the direction of Buddy Griffin and includes on its board of advisers such bluegrass music notables as Jesse McReynolds, William LaWarre, Mac Wiseman, Katie Laur, Little Roy Lewis, Lance Leroy, Edgar and Eunice Kitchen, Mack Samples, Dr. Ralph Stanley and many others. Notable performances by the Glenville State Bluegrass Band include the Ernest Tubb Midnight Jamboree, one of the longest-running live radio broadcasts on WSM Radio in Nashville, Tenn. The group also makes regular trips to Nashville to perform at concerts and festivals with recording artists Retro and Smiling and Jesse McReynolds.

Most recently, the Glenville State Bluegrass Band was the featured bluegrass band at the West Virginia state Capitol festival, The Vandalia Gathering.

The group performs at many fairs and festivals throughout West Virginia and has done many concerts and demonstrations for area school children.


See that beautiful woman in black? That's Megan.. and she's from Glouster. She was awesome! 

 This is Buddy Griffin. I was THRILLED to meet him!

These two lovely ladies could potentially be huge Bluegrass stars one day!

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